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Team Registration


Fill out registration form

Then, wait for our message to confirm that we have a spot for you. 

If you have questions, please contact us.



The team captain is responsible for submitting the payment for the whole team. Payments can be made by cheque or e-transfer.


Cheques can be sent to:


Cornwall Waterfest

C/O A Plus Management

12 A. Montreal Rd

Cornwall, ON

K6H 1B1


E-transfers should be sent to: (Cornwall Waterfest) We are registered for automatic deposit so no security questions are needed. Please add your team name in the description.


Participant waivers and pledges

Please ask each member of your team (Including yourself) to fill out the our waiver form. 


The captain of the team is responsible for collecting the waivers from their team members and sending them to us by email or mail. Please ensure your team members have sufficient time to read and review the waiver before signing.


Each year, the Cornwall Waterfest raises funds for a local charity to help them reach their goals. This year, the event supports the St-Joseph Foundation. Their newly built 2400-square-foot space at 14 York Street will be a first-of-its-kind in the community to assist with patient recovery and increase rehabilitation program options. Funds raised from this event will purchase new rehabilitation equipment for the program. We encourage participants to collect some pledges to assist them in expanding rehab care services available in Cornwall.

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